The expanded meeting of the Presidiums of the ICAC and the UMAC

The expanded meeting of the Presidiums of the ICAC and the UMAC

On 10 March 2023, the ICAC and the UMAC at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will host an expanded meeting of the Presidiums. 

The event aims at presenting the Annual Report 2022 of the ICAC and the UMAC to the arbitration services users, legal and business communities. The speakers also plan to develop further discussion on arbitrating disputes involving sanctioned parties. 

The speakers of the expanded meeting will include: 

  • Mykola Selivon, President of the ICAC and the UMAC
  • Kostyantyn Pilkov, Justice of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court
  • Vasyl Krat, Justice of the Cassation Civil Court under the Supreme Court  
  • Inna Yemelianova, Vice President of the ICAC and the UMAC  
  • Volodymyr Nagnybida, Vice President of the ICAC 
  • Olena Perepelynska, the ICAC arbitrator
  • Sergyi Gryshko, the ICAC arbitrator  

While the meeting will be held in a hybrid format online and offline, the Chairman of the ICAC and the UMAC Presidiums will be delighted to welcome all participants in person in the premises of the UCCI.

The key takeaways of the expanded meeting will be summarized on the ICAC and the UMAC web-sites. 

Add to calendar 20250215 20250215 Europe/Kiev The expanded meeting of the Presidiums of the ICAC and the UMAC

On 10 March 2023, the ICAC and the UMAC at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will host an expanded meeting of the Presidiums. 

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Maritime Arbitration Commission
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